Sunday, November 7, 2010

October 2009 - Today I Met the Boy I'm Gonna Marry...

Kyle was a looker from the start for sure. How could I have resisted this...

He is very photogenic...

He likes to stay in touch with his roots...

He enjoys "Craft Time with Shelley"... (or he has to enjoy it since I make him)

He has the ability to wear his hair in interesting ways...

And he has an attitude that says, "Who cares, it's only fashion."

A little history:

Our First Date
We went for a walk around Provo, and when I say around Provo, I mean AROUND PROVO. It started off as a walk to go and get ice cream from the BYU creamery. It was about a mile and a half walk before we arrived to find out they were closed. So we started back and decided to hit up another ice cream shop on the way back.

We stopped by Sub Zero and they happened to close 10 minutes before we got there. Same with their neighboring Jamba Juice. So, we decided to walk to Cold Stone. Upon arrival, not to our surprise, it was closed...10 minutes before we got there. Not a big deal. We can just go pick up some ice cream from Albertson's on our way back to the apartment. As we walked up to the automatic doors, Kyle tried to force the door open thinking that it was broken. However, right in front of our faces was the store hours which noted that they had closed 10 minutes before our arrival. Surprising, I know.

Finally after working up a hefty appetite for ice cream, we decided to just go home and make a smoothie with my amazing Vitamix blender. Looking through the pantry we realized that we were missing the most important ingredient. We walked another mile to a different grocery store...Macy's, which is open 24/6 (It was a safe bet.) The time was 12:30am when we were checking out with 1 banana in hand. The grocery clerk questioned why the purchase of 1 banana for $0.23 at 12:30 in the morning was so critical. Our reply, "To make a smoothie of course."

Going for a walk...$0
No ice cream from BYU Creamery...$0
No ice cream from Sub Zero...$0
No smoothie from Jamba Juice...$0
No ice cream from Cold Stone...$0
No ice cream from Alberson's...$0
1 banana at 12:30am...$0.23
Calories burned from walking...3,000
Our First Date...Priceless

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